God gave the man of God a vision to teach the whole bible without denominational persuasion with the zeal of God performing the vision. In 1984 God honored Apostle Horton with a vision, and The Bright Star Church was birthed as a ministry of faith. God’s vision was that of a growing church with people coming from the North, South, East and West. Today, The Day Star Tabernacle International is alive and vibrant with God’s Word.
The Bright Star Church was located on Jones Mill Road in Carrollton, Georgia. There were few members but they were very faithful and served the Lord with a zeal. Under the unction of the Holy Spirit , he left the Carrollton community and moved the ministry to Douglasville, GA. As the membership grew considerably another plan of action was put into operation - a plan for a larger edifice. Again, Apostle stepped out on the water, obeyed God and built the Day Star Tabernacle which is located directly across the street from our previous location now known as the Family Life Center. The 17.63 acres of the campground includes: The Family Life Center, The Sanctuary, The Sonshine Gymnasium, The Courts of Praise Tennis Courts, The Agape Place and our Home of the Saints softball field and picnic area.
The Day Star Tabernacle International currently houses our Stars of Heaven Children Nursery. Also, held on the campus is out bible college - Christian Life School of Theology. Here you can receive an accredited degree by the Southern Accrediting Association of Bible Institute and Bible Colleges in Atlanta, Georgia.
We are a body of people who believe we should carry God’s Word and share it with others. God’s message is broadcasted on television. The "Lion of Judah" television ministry is seen all over Georgia and broadcasts worldwide. The Lord has blessed us with a corporate anointing for traveling to minister to various churches nationally and internationally as God leads. The vision of "Ministry to Churches" that was given from the beginning, has truly come to fruition. Today, there are more than 600 individual churches in covenant with The Day Star Tabernacle International. We have a ministry which has an evangelistic thrust reaching communities, prisons and hospitals. We are also a body of believers that are excited and jubilant about worshipping and praising God with an intense enthusiasm.
Apostle Horton is frequently asked to minister on prophecy and eschatology. God has placed an anointing on him to proclaim and teach about end-times from the book of Revelation and to equip us to "see beyond what we see". Apostle Horton has a prophetic ministry in teaching other books of the Bible, allowing the Body of Christ to understand the Spirit of Wisdom and the revelation in the knowledge of Him (Jesus Christ).
God has blessed Apostle Horton to be in koinonia with the following ministries:
Executive Council Member, International Congress Of Local Churches (ICLC)
7000 More International Church Covenant Fellowship
Praise God from whom all blessing flow. We give God all the honor and praise for the things He has done.
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